Summary:December 1883

The Emma M. Lion Wiki

This page contains a brief summary of Emma's journal for every day in December of 1883.

December 1st

Lapis Lazuli becomes empty but for Emma M. Lion. Treasure Island finds its way to her doorstep, and she begins reading.

December 2nd

At church, Emma does not manage to catch Young Hawkes' gaze at all to thank him for the book.

December 3rd

After reading incessantly in the company of Tybalt, Emma finishes Treasure Island.

December 4th

Emma went for an early walk, and Agnes frets over her application to the Society of St. Crispian's Senior Servants.

December 5th

December 6th

December 7th

December 8th

December 9th

December 10th

December 11th

December 12th

December 13th

December 14th

December 15th

December 16th

December 17th

December 18th

December 19th

December 20th

December 21st

December 22nd

December 23rd

December 24th

December 25th

December 26th

December 27th

December 28th

December 29th

December 30th

December 31st