Duke of Islington

The Emma M. Lion Wiki
Heney Devereux
Alias The Duke of Islington, Islington
Born July 15, 1853
Age 31
Gender Male
Family Hannah Devereux (twin sister), Margaret "Maggie" Revel (sister), Johathan Revel (brother in law)

Henry Devereux, Duke of Islington is a resident of St. Crispian’s and a good friend of Emma.

Physical Characteristics

Islington has dark hair and hazel eyes, and a handsome face.


Henry Devereux was born a twin on July 15th 1853. Henry grew up with a demanding father, an older sister named Mariana and a younger sister Margret or "Maggie". Henry also grew up in a trio with his sister Hannah and a close friand named Becca. Islington attended Eton and later Oxford at age 18, he attended both schools with Hawkes. Some time in his young adult years both of his parents and his twin died. Henry was given his inheritance including the title Duke of Islington, the country estate Stonecrop and copious amounts of money. After finishing school he lived in both St.Crispian's and Stonecrop. When he was in St.Crispian's he grew to know Emma's father Declan Lion. Declan Lion grew to be almost a father figure for him. He has lived his life much the same way sense he got home from school, splitting his time between St.Crispian's and Stonecrop, managing his estate, attending social obligations, and attending to business in general. Henry has only two passions in his life one is his hounds and the other is the cello.

