Emma M. Lion

The Emma M. Lion Wiki
Revision as of 03:20, 3 February 2025 by OrangeJedi (talk | contribs) (updated headers)
Emma M. Lion
Born January 13, 1863
Age 21
Gender Female
Family Declan Lion (father), Mirabel Lion (mother), Arabella Spencer (cousin), Damian Spencer (cousin), Aunt Eugenia (aunt)
Resides Lapis Lazuli House
First Appearance Mar. 5, 1883


— [[Volume {{{2}}}#Changes to Persons of Interest|Previously Mentioned Persons of Interest]]

Appearance & Personality

Emma's eyes are an "uncanny sea green", the same as her father's. She has her mother's cheekbones, her way of raising her eyebrows, and a dimpled chin. Her hair is "dark and unruly", inherited from her Portuguese maternal grandmother., and freckles across the bridge of her nose. She is "neither very tall nor very short."[1] Roland and Charles Goddard both describe her as having "the voice of Athena"[2], while Agnes describes it as "purplish grey, like dusk. A bit scratchy." [3]

Life Sketch


