Summary:July 1883
This page contains a brief summary of Emma's journal for every day in July of 1883.
July 1st
Emma is awakened by Archibald at 4:30 in the morning, she converses with Pierce through the wall. Emma and Archibald attend church, Hawkes gives a very long sermon.
July 2nd
Emma and Archibald go to the cobbler to find a clue. Emma and Agnes chat.
July 3rd
Emma and Pierce exchange notes, Pierce then visits in person to reform the salon, they steal a door from the garret. Emma goes to visit the cobbler and receives a marble. Emma and Archibald walk around St.Crispian's.
July 4th
Archibald wears all black and makes a ruckus, Emma talks with Pierce and meets Mr. Chambers, they choose a color for the salon.
July 5th
Emma attempts to solve the marble clue, and try's to get into the library, Aunt Eugenia, Mary and Jack all send a missive.
July 6th
Archibald yells at Emma because she has not figured out the next clue. Emma has tea to discuss her faults with Aunt Eugenia and Arabella.
July 7th
Emma tells of how she found the answer to the first clue, but she was interrupted by Agnes while writing it out. Emma and Archibald has a conclave to discuss the clue, they go and visit Barons Square.
July 8th
Emma finish's writing of her adventure the day before, Emma attends church.
July 9th
Emma and Agnes talk, Emma peruses the next clue by walking all round St. Crispian's with Archibald, they receive the next clue.
July 10th
Emma writes down the notes between her and Pierce.
July 11th
Emma receives a letter from Roland, she writes back. Emma attends a dinner with Aunt Eugenia and Arabella, she finds out the answer to the next clue while talking with Arabella.
July 12th
Emma goes to The Cleopatra to get the next clue, she and Hawkes talk, she ends up drinking the Cleopatra (A type of drink) and is out the rest of the day, Hawkes has to make as excuse to Aunt Eugenia becasue Emma had to miss a night of cards.
July 13th
Emma tries to figure out the clue, she talks to Pierce about it and they figure it out.
July 14th
Emma goes to the Hound and gets 2 tickets, Archibald breaks his leg Dr. Fairchild comes over to help, Pierce and Dr. Fairchild know each other.
July 15th
Emma did not go to church and instead cared for Archibald all day, she and Archibald fight, Archibald eats the ticket. Pierce talks to Emma about Archibald wasting her fortune. Emma goes to the play and sits next to the Duke of Islington, they chat. Emma comes home and talks with Pierce.