Summary:July 1883
The Emma M. Lion Wiki
This page contains a brief summary of Emma's journal for every day in July of 1883.
July 1st
Emma is awakened by Archibald at 4:30 in the morning, she converses with Pierce through the wall. Emma and Archibald attend church, Hawkes gives a very long sermon.
July 2nd
Emma and Archibald go to the cobbler to find a clue. Emma and Agnes chat.
July 3rd
Emma and Pierce exchange notes, Pierce then visits in person to reform the salon, they steal a door from the garret. Emma goes to visit the cobbler. Emma and Archibald walk around St.Crispian's.
July 4th
Archibald wears all black and makes a ruckus, Emma talks with Pierce and meets Mr. Chambers, they choose a color for the salon.